hand holding plastic free sign with trees in background

Top 10 Plastic Free Swaps

June 22, 2023

It's Plastic Free July - a global movement to help tackle the plastic pollution problem - so we're taking a look at 10 ways you can make simple swaps to reduce your single plastic use. 

1. Single use plastic water bottle | SWAP FOR |  Reusable aluminium water bottle

Every minute, 1 million plastic water bottles are bought around the world (1), and in the UK and Ireland, only have of these are recycled. One of the easiest swaps to make, switching to a refillable aluminium water bottle will drastically reduce the impact, plus save you money!  

blue cheeki water bottles on a beige background

 2. Shower gel bottles | SWAP FOR | Shower Bars

Even though plastic shower gel bottles can be recyclable, they are still made from crude oil (2) which is not biodegradable and also causes significant environmental damage during its production. Dutch zero waste brand Skoon Cosmetics make luxurious solid shower bars without soap to prevent drying of the skin. Beautifully silky when lathered up, they are ph neutral, vegan-friendly and come in cardboard packaging.

Did you know we have a full plastic free bath and body range?  Check it out here

 skoon shower bar in window sill

3. Plastic-based period products | SWAP FOR | Plastic Free Period products

Did you know a pack of conventional period pads contains the same amount of plastic as 5 carrier bags (3)? Women will use on average 11,000 period products in their lifetime which equates to a lot of waste in landfill and a lot of plastic pollution. At Evergreen, we have a great range of plastic free period products, from plastic-free, organic cotton pads, to period cups. 

4. Plastic deodorant bottle | SWAP FOR | Refillable Deodorant

A reusable, refillable aluminium deodorant case instantly wipes out your need for pesky plastic deodorant bottles.  B-Corp certified Wild Deodorant saves 30g of plastic going to landfill each time you refill and they've also partnered with On A Mission on reforestation projects. Also vegan-friendly and cruelty free, it's no surprise this has been one of our hottest new brand launches. Why not check out the rest of our Plastic Free Deodorants here

wild deodorant cases in a line on blue background

5. Ready-made cleaning products | SWAP FOR | Refillable cleaning products

Miroplastics are one of the many issues around plastic waste as they threaten the welfare of sea life. An average household uses 25 cleaning product bottles at any one time (4).  Multiply that across Ireland, that's a lot of plastic, and a lot of microplastics.  Our new brand launch Ocean Saver  aims to significantly reduce plastic usage and microplastic damage with its refill solution - concentrated cleaning products that are diluted and added to your existing empty bottles. These refills are also a cheaper alternative than buying a new product in a plastic bottle - a win-win situation!

While you're here, why not also check out our full Plastic Free household range...

6. Plastic toothbrush | SWAP FOR | Bamboo toothbrush

Approximately 10 billion plastic dental care products are used each year with the majority ending up in landfill (5). Swedish brand The Humble Co make a variety of plastic-free dental products and their easiest swap is a bamboo toothbrush. The bamboo handle can be composted after use and the nylon bristles recycled - take a look at the video to see how they are crafted...

You can our full Plastic Free Dental Care range here

7. Plastic Dishwashing Sponge | SWAP FOR | Biodegrable Loofah Washing Pad

 This award winning washing pad is completely biodegradable!  It lasts for months and makes light work of the scrubbing, then can be popped on the compost heap or in with household food waste - simple!

loofah sponge washing up red mug

 8. Cling Film | SWAP FOR | Beeswax Wraps

Ditch the cling film or plastic food bags for your packed lunch and invest in some beeswax wraps. Handmade by the wonderful Hannah from Hanna's Bees in Cork, these wraps can be used over and over again and rewaxed using her beeswax bars. Vegan? No problem!  We've got vegan wax wraps too!


9. Plastic lip balm tube | SWAP FOR | Aluminium lip balm tin

With 200 million lip balms sold globally each year, the vast majority of packaging is not recyclable and many will end up in landfill.  We offer lip balms in aluminium tins from Irish brand Airmid, and in cardboard tubes from Attitude. Check out our full range of plastic free lip balms here


10. Bottle Cleanser | SWAP FOR | Bar Cleanser

With the majority of facial skincare products offered in plastic bottles or glass with plastic lids, we've broadened our range to include completely plastic free options.  Skoon and Irish brands Dublin Herbalists and Three Hills Soap all offer plastic free cleansers that still leave your skin silky smooth without the harmful effect on the environment. Check out the range here - Plastic Free Cleansers



2) Tiny Waste.com The Environmental Impact of Body Wash

3) Natracare - How Much Plastic is in Period Pads

4) Ocean Saver - Did You Know?

5) the humble co -

6) Plastic Free July